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Thursday Stuff

October 6, 2011

Been given homework for our Thursday lecture. I’ve done part 1 of the task. Part 2 is yet to come. I think I’m to post it on my blog, so i will – unfortunately my internet is pants at the moment, and it’s a real struggle to get images up here – (knowing that there are 10 of them is even worse). So this comment was written the night before, as i went to bed and hoped that the internet would have kicked back up by the morning.
We were to find 10 sign vehicles, titled appropriately on what kind of sign they are, (symbol, index or icon). It were the definitions that drove me nuts…


Okay, here we go:



(although I think it’s perfectly legitimate to call it an icon, or even an index).

RIGHT! That’s 3 done for you, and I have 7 more in my word document. I’ve stopped for now, though, just to spew out a little piece of my mind as I see this whole Blog exercise is essentially for when it comes down to it.
This homework is time consuming – just to go and find the images online, download them, upload them onto the blog etc. If I had time, like I did back in school, this would be alright. But I’m not – I’m in 2nd year of university, studying animation. You can try and say this benefits every student in the long-run if you want – maybe it does in certain understandings, particularly Illustrators and Graphic Designers. But from my point of view, I can’t help but feel I’m wasting my time.
There is no passion to drive me towards going through the trouble of getting 10 of these bloody things up online. No one I know would care enough to look at it – least of all myself! I can understand getting to grips with sign vehicles if you like – i went ahead and did that in my spare time. But I have projects on in university, as well as my own projects and this annoying Friday project, and now acting has come into it as well. Having to do this as well is beyond frustrating! I don’t care about this! I really don’t!

So I’m sorry – if this is benefitting other people in the year, that’s very good. I wish them all the best. But for me, this is just frustrating and only adds to stress. I’ve given you 3! Let that be proof that I’ve done the task. If I could just understand why this is so beneficial to me, it would help.

Rant = Satisfied.

Part 2 of the homework – coming…………. soon, I guess.


I really find it just about impossible to listen in lectures. It’s not the lecturer’s fault and it’s been going on since primary school, but today i started picking out the little things I could pick up on and I noted them down as potential inspirations to spark off good ideas.
I then confronted the lecturers, (if confronted is the word), about the lecture not being very relevant whatsoever towards animation. However, this was handsomely answered: ‘being a great artist is not about being narrow-minded about your own subject, but by being knowledgeable. Read rather than draw.’
I don’t agree with this in every respect, but it’s true – being knowledgeable will certainly only benefit your creativity by giving you a broader horizon. It would help knowing how the lecture is going to benefit me before attending it.

Well, to exercising my knowledge, i looked up a few things that i’d noted down during the lecture – little keywords that i found interesting. So i’ve spent this morning and early afternoon reading up on the Jutes, the Goths, and the general history of Scandinavia. Reading is tough for me – so not as much information as I’d have liked was absorbed – as I did not research them out of a spark of excitement, if you know what I mean. But I intend to watch some educational videos I found and streamed before my brother called me and demanded I played an online game of Starcraft with him…

We lost, by the way…


We were given a project a few weeks ago – to make a poster on one of the relevant subjects we have been learning about in lectures.

I’ve chosen Theatre Optique. Researching it seems to be much easier watching educational videos – which make it easier for me to process information it seems. Getting the library books is going to be a nightmare. But once I’ve got some solid information cemented i’ll try blogging some up to share with the world…

I’ve been given my crit of my blog today by one of my tutors. I was told that these ‘Thursday Stuff’ posts were irrelevant to my blog. Is this blog supposed to be relevant or not? 90% of what’s on my blog is relevant to the task we’ve been given! But if you want this blog to be personal then surely letting me have my ranting sessions is fair enough. Plus, you can see my past development of my thought-process from when i started all this ranting. I think it’s very relevant – it provides an insight to my thoughts and feelings as an animator and a student. IT’S GOT TO BE PERSONAL, TUTORS, OTHERWISE IT’S JUST A CHORE! Let me have my rants!!

Thank you xx

(p.s. if you tutors are reading this, i hope you don’t take these block capitals personally. Shouting via text is much more satisfying than one may think. Hence why i have these rants. I’ve also started dating my posts, just so you know).

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